Proximus is one of the co-founders of the company 'Flanders Technology & Innovation'

This morning in Brussels, the private limited company (BV) 'Flanders Technology and Innovation' was officially presented, an initiative of the Flemish Government to facilitate investments in technological and innovative solutions for societal challenges. Proximus is one of seven private investors endorsing the project.

In addition to Proximus, Brussels Airport Company, KBC, COI, Cronos, Cegeka and Telenet are also investing in the new company, which was founded on December 13. The non-profit organization 'Flanders Technology International', owner of the name and brand FTI, is also a co-founder. The seven private investors are each contributing EUR 500,000 in capital, the Flemish government, for its part, EUR 1 million.

The company aims to create a platform where data, know-how and innovative ideas are brought together. As a result, FTI can become a catalyst for investments in technological solutions to social problems. The initial focus is on the fields 'Health & Nutrition', 'Energy & Climate', 'Mobility', 'Data & Digitalization', 'Entertainment & Media' and 'Education, Lifelong Learning & Labor Market'.

Collaboration as an enabler of innovation

As a leading player in fixed and mobile connectivity, cloud, security, workplace and smart mobility, Proximus strongly believes in the power of technology as a lever to address current societal challenges (in the fields of healthcare, energy, entertainment, mobility, cyber security, etc.). The company is 100% committed to the digitalization of Flanders by investing heavily in technology and innovative digital services that benefit society.

Proximus is convinced that coordinated cooperation between governments, companies, educational & research institutions and experts stimulates innovation and sustainable economic growth. By sharing knowledge, joining forces and making targeted use of support measures, innovation can be stimulated in the most efficient way.

FTI can play a decisive role here by bringing partners together, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, expertise and data-driven insights, and supporting the development and scaling up of success stories. For these reasons, Proximus wants to put its expertise at the service of the FTI project, help spread awareness of innovation and actively contribute to the development of a widely supported technological vision for Flanders as an innovation region.

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We are pleased to be part of a project that aims to position Flanders as a top region in terms of innovation and digitization. As a leading technology company that interacts daily with a large part of the population, Proximus forms an important link in ensuring the competitiveness and resilience of our economy. By participating in FTI, we also want to assume our societal responsibility and contribute to open innovation through collaboration with all stakeholders.