Proximus and Ericsson innovate in 5G slicing by creating two different slices on a single device

Proximus and Ericsson have achieved a new milestone related to 5G network slicing. For the first time in Belgium, two different slices have been created simultaneously on a single device. The test was done in the Proximus’ 5G Innovation Lab in Brussels, on an Oppo X5 Find Pro device, and enabled by the new 5G SA functionality “User Equipment Route Selection Policy” (URSP) implemented in the Ericsson 5G infrastructure.

This functionality brings extra flexibility for customized services and capabilities, allowing users to access different applications each with the appropriate service level and slice defined by the mobile network. It also gives the possibility to support both an enterprise work profile and a private user profile on the same device, leading to superior customer experience. On top of that it will address the increasing demands on security tailored solutions.

As a leader in 5G, Ericsson is driving innovative solutions for network slicing, by actively working with the device ecosystem and mobile operator community. Network slicing will result in substantial benefits for consumers, enterprises, industry and society.

For Proximus, the successful tests are an important achievement, further paving the way for a dedicated handling of business-critical applications in an Enterprise environment. Proximus is one of the first operators worldwide to successfully test the simultaneous creation of different network slices on a single device. It illustrates the company’s continuous drive to innovate in the field of mobile experience and play a leading part in the development of 5G in Belgium.

Ericsson is very pleased to work together with Proximus on the 5G Innovation Platform, a partnership that brings together Proximus’ leadership and Ericsson’s global expertise with the aim to realize tangible benefits for Proximus’ customers.

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Slicing is a cornerstone functionality in the 5G era. This collaboration with Ericsson is a new important milestone in our ambition to build the best Gigabit network for Belgian and bring next-generation experiences to our customers.