Simplification and IT transformation
Our goal is to evolve towards a modular, resilient and cost-effective IT for a better service to our customers. For instance, we implemented a new billing account management capability, allowing our customers to manage corrections and preferences themselves. We have also successfully onboarded fiber customers to a new servicing platform, marking a further step in streamlining our IT infrastructure and improving customer experience. Additionally, we dedicated special attention to improving the performance and stability of our digital tools and platforms. This is crucial to ensure a fully digitally supported sales and servicing journey for both our customers and customer-facing employees.
We also continued to enhance our digital channels to improve customer experience and enable an acceleration of e-sales and e-servicing. As part of this, we introduced a new tool for our call center agents to identify operational and automation opportunities, and support agent coaching.
Triggered by the arrival of ChatGPT in early 2023, several Generative AI use cases are already being developed and assessed by Proximus Ada. For instance, one of the use cases will make it easier for customers to find the correct and latest information on all our products, promotions, methods and procedures through chatbots. With the help of a writing assistant or a text translation and correction tool, we can improve the quality of our chat responses. Generative AI also allows us to enhance the chat interface on our FAQs, providing a natural language interface for our customers.

We continue to be innovative, we are exploring the promising field of quantum communication. Simply put, in fiber networks, special ‘keys’ called quantum keys can be generated and used to encrypt and decrypt messages. These new encryption techniques have the ability to make communication flows extremely secure. In a laboratory test conducted in 2023, we achieved quantum key distribution (QKD) over a distance of 150 km. We also successfully completed a field trial, testing quantum-safe communication using fibers between our data centers in Evere and Mechelen, achieving a distance of 63 km. In June 2023, together with Nokia, and utilizing QKD equipment from ID Quantique, we organized the first demonstration of a quantum-safe network on a operational fiber network in Belgium. More info about quantumInvesting in the future with quantum cryptography
Launched in March 2022, Proximus Ada, a wholly owned subsidiary of Proximus, is the first Belgian center of excellence dedicated to artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity. It is designed to be a pillar of innovation and a center of expertise for all the companies in the Proximus Group, enabling them to develop and launch new applications but also to create a more secure digital society and build trust in the digital economy.
Proximus Ada further strengthens the cyber resilience of companies that are part of Proximus Group through the CSIRT (Cyber Security Incident Response Team). With the general increase in the number of phishing attacks, experts from the CSIRT have an important role to play in educating and raising the awareness of our employees. They hold information sessions on cybersecurity threats and trends that are detected within Proximus. They have also performed several simulation exercises to assess Proximus’ ability to respond to cyberattacks and define actions for improvement. They closely monitor the Internet to block cybercriminals’ attempts to abuse Proximus and its affiliate brands. The CSIRT also offers its services to other enterprises. In 2023, it made three interventions against cyberattacks.
In the field of AI, Proximus Ada collaborates with Proximus NXT and Codit to offer solutions on the Benelux market, encompassing data foundations, AI algorithms and integration in a fully secured way. In parallel, Proximus Ada continued to develop and enhance its AI models to improve Proximus Group’s operational efficiency and customer experience.
Proximus Ada collaborates with external stakeholders to boost local innovation. For example, In September 2023, Proximus Ada teamed up with Proximus NXT, ID2Move, Phoenix-Tech and Deltrian International to launch Wallonia’s first warehouse management project using a drone coupled with 5G and artificial intelligence. The aim is to use 5G and artificial intelligence to autonomously fly a drone into a covered storage warehouse to enable relevant, real-time information to be transmitted to the company’s stock manager. This project represents a major step forward in meeting companies' needs for drone-based inventory control and management.
Proximus Ada wants to build a safer digital space for users and society. To achieve this, it launched two concrete projects in 2023. First, it established a partnership with Paradigm in Brussels (ex-CIRB). As of August 2023, Proximus Ada cybersecurity experts offer their skills and expertise free of charge to Brussels Digital Public Spaces (DPS). In these places, the most vulnerable and least digitally equipped citizens can use computer equipment and attend IT initiations and trainings. Proximus Ada experts provide information and advice on cybersecurity for DPS users and basic training to DPS employees. The experts also offer a full verification of the security of DPS infrastructures.